Date(s) - Saturday - 12/04/2021
5:00 pm
The Anal Christmas Hash ‘n Bash!
Decorate your self and/or your bike with seasonal stuff and choose your own adventure: you can bash, you can hash, you over-achievers can hash the bash.
There will be Christmas lights!
There will be booze!
There will be trails*!
Details are still being worked out for this.
Current plan (which can change):
Pub-crawl style Hash/Bash. Hashers follow one trail, bashers another, then trails meet at a bar.
Location: Park Central Shopping Mall parking lot near the Hampton Inn (see pinned post)
Hash Hares: Liar Liar Crotch on Fire/Racumzel
Bash Hares: Twosie and whoever he can con into helping him.
Hash Cash: $0 – this will be pay as you go, so bring cash/ID for bar stops.
Meet (Prelube): 5:00
Hares away: 6:00ish
Pack away: &:#$-ish
*no claims as to the quality or lack thereof are implied by the term “trail”